High Sensitivity X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer(HS XRF®)
Core technologies
(1)Hardware core technology: Monochromatic focused excitation technology
The fully-focused hyperbolic bending crystal monochromatises the X-ray tube emission spectrum at a specific wavelength and focuses the diffraction to the sample point, so that the X-rays emitted from the sample have no continuous scattering background except for the fluorescent X-rays produced by the excitation of the elements in the sample and the scattered rays from the monochromatised incident spectrum, thus ensuring that the characteristic lines of the elements to be measured have very low background interference.
(2)Software core technology: Fast fundamental parameter method
XRF methods are challenged by matrix effects, inter-elemental absorption-enhancement effects and the lack of standard samples, which pose a challenge for the quantitative analysis of different sample types.
The fundamental parametric method is at the forefront of current research in the field of X-ray fluorescence. The rapid fundamental parametric method calculates all aspects of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy from generation to detection, and establishes mathematical models for physical phenomena that are well defined in physics. The basic parametric method is used to reduce analytical errors and to obtain more accurate elemental quantification results through the correction of small amounts of standards (or fixed value samples).
High sensitivity X-ray fluorescence spectrometer PHECDA coupled with rapid fundamental method provides industry solution
Solutions Problem solving Application characteristics Application area Soil inorganic element analysis
• Meeting the heavy metal limit value testing requirements in the GB15618-2018 Soil Environmental Quality Risk Control Standard for Soil Contamination of Agricultural Land
• Meet the heavy metal limit value testing requirements in the GB36600-2018 Soil Environmental Quality Risk Control Standards for Soil Contamination of Development Land
• Analysis of the content of more than 50 inorganic elements in various types of soil and sediment
• Optimized Cd detection capacity with a detection limit of 0.06mg/kg for soil cadmium.
• Fast FP algorithm eliminates soil matrix variation for accurate quantitative analysis of soil inorganic elementsEnvironmental monitoring, geology and mining, soil testing, university research Water quality heavy metal testing
• Heavy metal content testing for surface water, groundwater, drinking water and corporate effluent water
• Rapid on-site testing of heavy metal content in environmental water pollution incidents
• Heavy metal enrichment membrane technology (HMET) combined with HS XRF to reduce the detection limit of heavy metals in water to 1-3ug/L Environmental water quality emergency monitoring, environmental water quality field testing Solid waste heavy metal testing
• Meeting the need for rapid quantitative analysis of 27 toxic elements and 7 oxides in solid waste
• Hazardous Waste Identification - Toxic Element Content Analysis
• Fast FP for matrix adaption for various types of solid waste
• Simple sample handling for fast quantitative analysisEnvironmental monitoring, environmental forensics, scientific research, solid waste treatment enterprises PM2.5 inorganic element analysis
• Meeting the requirements of HJ 829-2017 Ambient air -Determination of inorganic elements in ambient particle matter-Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spetroscopy (ED-XRF) method
• Provides data analysis from PM2.5 inorganic element analysis to pollution source traceability
• Rapid content analysis of more than thirty inorganic elements in PM2.5 diaphragms
• Fast FP completes elemental content analysis of PM2.5 diaphragms without (or with few) specimensEnvironmental monitoring, air pollution source investigation, scientific research Rapid food heavy metal testing
• Meeting the requirements of the GB2762-2017 National Standard for Food Safety Limits of Contaminants in Food for the detection of heavy metals in some foods
• Testing for heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, chromium, nickel and tin in aquatic products, meat, spices, fruits and vegetables, grains, tea and other foods and their products
• Full range of food pre-treatment equipment and solutions, simple sample handling and fast testing
• Adaptive Fast FP software for various food matrices
• High consistency with laboratory reference methodsFood safety area, public security system food security, customs food supervision Full elemental analysis of ores
• Inorganic element content analysis of iron ore, lead ore, copper concentrate, manganese ore, etc.
• Analysis of harmful elements (lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, etc.) in ores
• Analysis of the content of rare earth elements• Providing total solutions for on-site ore elemental content.
• Fast FP algorithm for accurate quantitative analysis of various ore productsGeology, minerals, non-ferrous metals, customs Heavy metal content testing of Chinese medicines
• Meeting the requirements of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia for the detection of heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic and copper) in Chinese medicine• Adaptation of Fast FP algorithm to various herbal matrices with background deduction
• Fast, simple and preciseChinese Medicine Analysis of metal element content in petrochemical products
• Meet the limits for iron, manganese and lead in petrol and diesel products
• Analysis of metal element content in various oils such as lubricating oil, motor oil, gasoline and diesel• Detection limit of 0.1mg/kg for metal elements in petrochemical products
• Simultaneous analysis of more than twenty metal elementsPetrochemicals Cement kiln co-disposal
• Meet the environmental protection and building materials industry requirements for the detection of heavy metal elements in cement kiln co-disposal from raw materials and clinker to cement and cement leachate
• Analysis of the content of all elements (sodium, magnesium, aluminium, silicon, iron, calcium, chlorine, etc.) in the cement industry and analysis of the impact of added materials on the quality of cement• Adaptive Fast FP algorithm for various sample matrices
• Heavy Metal Enrichment Technology (HMET) for heavy metal content determination in cement clinker leachateBuilding materials industry, cement companies
- The combination of high-sensitivity X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for trace detection of heavy metals and Fast FP for accurate quantification of elements brings new prospects for the application of XRF for elemental detection.
(1)Monochromatic aggregation excitation technology
The high sensitivity X-ray fluorescence spectrometer uses a hyperbolic bent crystal monochromator to optimise the excitation efficiency of the elements and reduce the continuous scattering background of the X-ray tube, improving the signal-to-noise ratio of the fluorescence rays of the elements.
(2)Use of high performance SDD detectors
The performance of the Silicon Drift Detector (SDD), the core component of an energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, depends on the crystal area, window material, count rate, resolution etc. The PHECDA series uses today's high performance SDD detectors to ensure performance in elemental analysis.
(3)Fast FP algorithm
①The difficulty with XRF analysis is that the elemental fluorescence intensity is not only related to the elemental content of the sample, but also to the content of other elements, which is known as the matrix absorption-enhancement effect, and this physical effect makes the selection of a suitable standard sample difficult, if the selection of the standard sample matrix is inconsistent, can not cover the range of elemental content of the sample to be measured, it will bring errors to the actual sample analysis.
② The fundamental parameters method eliminates background differences due to matrix differences between sample types, reduces analytical errors and provides more accurate elemental quantification results with the correction of a few standards.
(4)Optimizing the detection capacity of Cadmium
Cadmium is a toxic heavy metal of great concern in the fields of environmental protection and food safety. The excitation and detection of cadmium (Kα: 23.1 KeV) by conventional XRF is challenging, and the detection limit of cadmium by high-sensitivity X-ray fluorescence spectrometry reaches the level of 0.06 mg/kg through monochromatic focused excitation of cadmium.
(5) Portability
① Overall weight PHECDA-PRO 8.7kg,PHECDA-ECO 7.5kg.
② No gas, vacuum or other auxiliary equipment required.
③ Maximum assurance of field testing requirements. index parameter illustration Principle Single wavelength excitation-energy dispersion X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy The range of elements Mg-U Detection limit (mg/kg) Cd:0.06mg/kg
Cr:1.0mg/kgSoil matrix, element scanning time 600 seconds Repeatability Cd:0.3mg/kg RSD<15% Soil matrix, element scanning time of 600 seconds Sample types Solid samples, liquid samples, powder samples, viscous samples Provide different sample preparation programs Software
Fast FP software system that supports a variety of sample application development, Spectrometry display comparison, Non-standard quantification, Standard sample calibration, Element quantitative analysis, Data storage, Network transmission
Enrichment technology Combined technology of heavy metal enrichment membrane (HMET®) and HS XRF. The detection limit of heavy metals reaches 1~3ug/L
Difference between PHECDA-PRO and PHECDA-ECO
Specification PHECDA-PRO PHECDA-ECO Description Sample port spin device None Yes Spin device reduces analytical errors due to sample inhomogeneity Control PAD touch screen Laptop Volume 420 mm(W)X 350mm(D)X 220(H) 370mm(W)X 290mm(D)X 190(H) Weight 8.7Kg 7.5Kg
For detailed technical parameters and application solutions, please consult Ancoren staff!
- Trace element detection capability
The single-wavelength excitation-energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer is based on a monochromatic focusing technique with fully focused hyperbolic bent crystals, which enhances elemental signal intensity while significantly reducing the scattering background and significantly improving the elemental signal-to-noise ratio of the sample, thus extending XRF to trace and traces applications.
Software for accurate quantification
The Fast FP, which has been successfully developed by Ancoren Science&Technology researchers over a decade, establishes a corresponding mathematical model by calculating the various stages of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy from generation to detection. The results of quantitative elemental analysis can be obtained immediately.
The PHECDA range of high sensitivity X-ray fluorescence spectrometers combined with the Fast FP offers a complete solution for the following industries.
Application areas Solutions Environmental protection Analysis of the inorganic element content of soils on agricultural and construction land Combined HMET+ HS XRF for emergency monitoring of heavy metals in environmental water Heavy metal content testing of solid waste PM2.5 inorganic element content analysis and data traceability Food Safety Rapid determination of heavy metals in foodstuffs - X-ray fluorescence fundamental parameter method Heavy Metals in Chinese Medicines - HS XRF with Fast FP Heavy metal content testing in cosmetics - High sensitivity XRF heavy metal analyzer Geological Minerals HS XRF and Fast FP analysis of the elemental content of various ores Rapid test for rare earth element content High purity metal (alloy) analysis Elemental content analysis of copper concentrates Other Analysis of heavy metal content in cement kiln co-disposal Analysis of metal element content in petrochemical products
Environmental protection
High sensitivity XRF heavy metal analyser for trace heavy metal contaminant analysis of environmental substances
Analysis of heavy metal content of soils on agricultural and construction land
HMET membrane and HS XRF for emergency monitoring of heavy metal contamination in environmental water
Analysis of the content of toxic elements in solid and hazardous waste.Air PM2.5 film inorganic element content analysis
Food safety
X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy Basic Parameters Method for Rapid Detection of Heavy Metals in Food.
Analysis of heavy metal content in grains, vegetables and fruits, aquatic products, meat, tea,spices and nuts.
Application areas: market supervision, customs supervision, public security food security, food distribution, etc. Petrochemicals
Analysis of trace metal element content in lubricants
Analysis of iron, manganese and lead in diesel fuel
Analysis of trace metal element content in petrochemical and chemical products
Cement kiln co-disposal
Raw materials, raw kiln materials, cement clinker, cement clinker Analysis of the content of more than twenty toxic elements in the leachate of raw materials, raw kiln feed, cement clinker and cement clinker.
Monitoring of the content of the main elements (Na/Mg/Al/Si/Fe/Ca) for quality control of raw materials and cement clinker.
Elemental analysis solutions for mineral smelting
Providing solutions for the mineral refining industry from ore bodies (prospecting and mining) to mineral processing (ore dressing and slag treatment) to metal smelting and metal alloys.
- Real-time monitoring solutions for heavy metal emissions in air and water
- Detection of heavy metal content in soil environment
- Simultaneous determination of solid waste (S, Cl, F)
- Analysis of soil nutrient content
- Detection of toxic elements in solid waste and hazardous waste
- Emergency monitoring of Heavy Metals in Environmental water quality
- PM2.5 air filter membrane inorganic element content analysis
- Cu/Cr/Ni/Mn Ore Element Content Detection
- Elemental content analysis of Copper concentrates
- High purity metal (alloy) content analysis
- Elemental content analysis of slag samples
- Rapid determination of precious metal content in ternary catalyst
- Determination of element content in magnesite and magnesite
- Rapid analysis of rare earth elements content
- Rapid trace precious metal content testing